山本 達人 教授

In Memory of Professor T. Yamamoto

We are very sorry to have to inform you that Professor Tatsundo Yamamoto of ISAS passed away on 20 February because of lymph cancer. He was only 41 years old.

Most recently Professor Yamamoto was the Project Scientist of the PLANET-B mission and played a key role in the mission definition and spacecraft design. It is very unfortunate that he could not live long enough even to witness the launch, scheduled for this July, of this Mars orbiter to which he dedicated all his intellect and resources. Professor Yamamoto was also instrumental in the GEOTAIL mission in which he was a leading member of the magnetometer team. He was gifted with a very quick mind and the capabilities of solving almost any problem with ease. His warm character appealed to everyone who worked with him, and his loss will be missed by all who have known him.

Professor Yamamoto was born on 10 April, 1956, and graduated and received Ph.D from the University of Tokyo. He was survived by his wife Yumi and two sons.

A. Nishida and K. Tsuruda

ISAS, Sagamihara, Japan
